ARP ESSER - Application Details
Haleyville City, American Rescue Plan (ARP) ESSER - Fiscal Year 2021 (Rev 0)
Cover Page & Required Narratives
Superintendent of Schools |
Name | * |
ARP ESSER Point of Contact |
Name | * |
Role | * |
Phone | * |
Ext | |
Required Narratives |
How does the LEA plan to use funds to implement prevention and mitigation strategies in order to continuously and safely operate schools for in-person learning? |
The purpose of the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) III Fund is to help safely reopen and sustain the safe operation of schools and address the impacts of COVID-19 on the nation’s students by addressing students’ academic, social, emotional, and mental health needs. Haleyville City Schools will use ARP ESSR funds to maintain academic excellence while being mindful of student safety. HCS plans to open the 2021-22 school year with five days per week of in-person instruction at all school sites. We will also have a Virtual Learning Day once a month to ensure that our students can navigate all virtual platforms successfully in case of school closing. HCS recognizes that safely reopening schools and sustaining safe operations to maximize in-person instruction is essential for student learning and student well-being. The District will maintain the health and safety of students, educators and other district staff. To support the safe return to in-person instruction and sustain safe operation, the district developed our Academic & Safety Sustainability Plan for Haleyville City Schools. The Plan is available at: https://www.haley-k12.us/ under the Menu option. This plan is updated regularly to meet the guidelines and requirements provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Alabama State Department of Education (ALSDE), and Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH).
How will the LEA ensure that the evidence-based interventions will address the academic impact of lost instructional time and ensure that those interventions respond to the academic, social, emotional, and mental health needs of all students including underrepresented student subgroups (each major racial and ethnic group, children from low-income families, children with disabilities, English Learners, gender, migrant students, students experiencing homelessness, and children and youth in foster care) and those who are particularly impacted disproportionately by the COVID-19 pandemic? |
Section 2001(e)(1) of the ARP Act requires each Local Education Agency (LEA) to use at least 20% of its formula funds to address the academic impact of lost instructional time (learning loss) through the implementation of evidence-based interventions, such as summer learning or summer enrichment, extended day, comprehensive after-school programs, or extended school year programs. HCS will use $800,890.28 of its ARP ESSER III funds to address unfinished learning as described below:
- Provide expanded academic and enrichment programming for summer 2023 and summer 2024.
- Before and After School Tutoring
- Software - Software described in Intervention E will help our schools identify and track at-risk students and provide more effective intervention services.
How will the LEA comply with the requirements of section 427 of GEPA (20 U.S.C. 1228a)? The description must include information on the steps the LEA proposes to take to permit students, teachers, and other program beneficiaries to overcome barriers (including barriers based on gender, race, color, national origin, disability, and age) that impede equal access to, or participation in, the ESSER III program. |
HCS will use ARP ESSR Funds for professional development, instructional materials, software, and hire additional staff to overcome barriers that could impede equal access to, or participation in, the ESSR III program. We will ensure that no student or teacher will be denied participation based on gender, race, national origin, color, disability or age.
How will the LEA actively monitor their allocations, conduct interim audits to ensure an appropriate application of funds, collect and manage data elements required to be reported, and report this information to the community? |
The Federal Programs Director along with the CSFO and Superintendent will actively monitor ESSER grant allocations and prepare program budgets, schedules, and budget amendments to ensure compliance with statutory requirements. The Federal Programs Director, working together with the CSFO and Superintendent, will audit all purchases prior to the obligation of funds to ensure funds are expended as approved in the ESSER grant applications. The Finance Director will audit expenditures prior to requesting grant reimbursements and maintain documentation necessary for year-end audit reporting. Additional responsibilities include developing systems for assuring compliance with program requirements, monitoring program activities for progress and compliance, and evaluating program results against stated objectives.
How will the LEA meaningfully engage with families and communities throughout the life of the ARP ESSER and other relief funds? |
HCS will communicate our ARP ESSR Plan to our families and stakeholders via our district website to keep all stakeholders informed of the progress of ESSER funding plans and programs. Stakeholders will also be notified of any public meetings that address the use of ESSER funds.
Provide the URL for the LEA Return-to-Instruction Plan. |
*https://drive.google.com/file/d/1y2a6oY26BVw7OMJU7hxmG_plCMdFUKao/view |
LEA Reservation to Address Loss of Instructional Time
LEAs must reserve at least 20 percent of funds to address loss of instructional time through the implementation of evidence-based interventions and ensure that those interventions respond to students' social, emotional, and academic needs and address the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on underrepresented student subgroups.
For this reservation of funds, the following interventions are allowable: 1. Summer Learning & Summer Enrichment Programs 2. Extended Day Programs 3. Comprehensive After-School Programs 4. Extended School Year Programs 5. Other – See Intervention box E for more details.
Intervention A (Summer Learning & Summer Enrichment Programs) |
Provide the following information for Intervention A (Summer Learning & Summer Enrichment Programs): 1) Brief description and timeline for each service (service must end by 9/30/2024) 2) Number of employees and FTE(s) (if applicable) 3) Itemized Budget using Function & Object codes (must match Budget Grid) |
Example: ARP ESSER funds will be used to host a Summer Enrichment Camp during the Summer of 2023. The camp will run for two weeks for four days a week. Subjects to be covered are science, technology, engineering, mathematics and reading. We will purchase general supplies such as pencils, notebooks, glue, color pencils, copy paper, etc. to effectively run the program. We will also purchase ELA & Math manipulatives to help improve student achievement. Additionally, we will purchase an online subscription to XYZ Company for the duration of the summer program to assist our participating EL students with the curriculum (See attached job description). Total cost: $109,030.00 |
[Cont.] 9130 - [010-199] (Salaries) $54,450.00 | 9130 - [200-299] (Benefits) $11,430.00 9130 - [400-499] (Materials and Supplies) $2,800.00 | 9130 - [400-499] (Software) $20,000.00 4120 - [010-199] (Bus Driver Salaries) $12,500.00 | 4120 - [200-299] (Bus Driver Benefits) $3,200.00 4120 - [300-399] (Mileage for Buses) $4,650.00 |
ARP ESSR funds will be use to host Summer Learning Experiences at all three of our campuses for two years. The Summer Learning will run two weeks in June and two weeks in July Monday-Friday at HES and HMS. HHS will host Summer Learning three weeks in June and July, Monday-Thursday. HES will focus on reading while integrating STEAM and physical activities. HMS will focus on math, reading, STEAM, and physical activities. HHS will contract to provide ACT Prep and math tutoring. Our EL population will be included at all levels to assist our students with learning loss experienced from COVID. All instructional supplies needed to implement our Summer Learning Experiences successfully will be provided. Summer Learning Experiences are budgeted for two years. Funds for Summer Learning will be use on or before September 30, 2024.
2140 Health Services for Summer School: $10,730.00 (Salaries) $2,169.60 (Benefits) 1 Nurse for 2 years
4130 Student Transportation for Summer School: $15,311.20 (Salaries) $3,026.44( Benefits) 3 bus drivers for 20 days for 2 years
1100 Materials and Supplies for Summer Learning: $52,635.14
1100 Instruction: $34,790.77( Salaries) $6,232.91 (Benefits)220/230/240/250
1 Teacher for 24 Days
2 Teachers for 10 Days
2 Paraprofessionals for 20 Days
20 Substitutes at $100/Day
Total Instruction: $34,790.77( Salaries)
Total Benefits: $6,232.91 (Benefits)
Instruction: $8,250.00 Purchased Services (Summer Math Tutoring Services)
Intervention B (Extended Day Programs) |
Provide the following information for Intervention B (Extended Day Programs): 1) Brief description and timeline for each service (service must end by 9/30/2024) 2) Number of employees and FTE(s) (if applicable) 3) Itemized Budget using Function & Object codes (must match Budget Grid) |
HHS will provide Saturday School. Saturday School is an opportunity is provided for students who have fallen behind academically. They are given a quiet environment from 9am to 12 pm, in the Library to catch up on missing assignments. Students must be referred by a teacher or administrator. Saturday School will be offered 4 Saturdays per month for 12 months. Funds budgeted for Saturday School will be used on or before September 30, 2024.
9130 Extended Day: $4,800.00 (Salaries) $844.32 (Benefits) 1 teacher or 1 paraprofessional
Intervention C (Comprehensive After-School Programs) |
Provide the following information for Intervention C (Comprehensive After-School Programs): 1) Brief description and timeline for each service (service must end by 9/30/2024) 2) Number of employees and FTE(s) (if applicable) 3) Itemized Budget using Function & Object codes (must match Budget Grid) |
Improving the educational outcomes for students who are at risk for academic failure is an important issue, therefore, After School Tutoring Services will be provided for HCS students. Tutoring will be offered 3 days a week and is budgeted for two years. Funds budgeted for After School Tutoring will be used on or before September 30, 2024.
1100 Instruction: $45,000 (Salaries) $9,053.20 (Benefits)
2 teachers 3 days a week for two years at $100.00 a day
4 teachers 3 days a week for two years at $100.00 day
Intervention D (Extended School Year Programs) |
Provide the following information for Intervention D (Extended School Year Programs): 1) Brief description and timeline for each service (service must end by 9/30/2024) 2) Number of employees and FTE(s) (if applicable) 3) Itemized Budget using Function & Object codes (must match Budget Grid) |
Intervention E (Other) |
Provide the following information for Intervention E (Other): 1) Brief description and timeline for each service (service must end by 9/30/2024) 2) Number of employees and FTE(s) (if applicable) 3) Itemized Budget using Function & Object codes (must match Budget Grid) |
NOTE: If an LEA chooses to use the "Other" intervention option, the LEA must attach documentation in the Related Documents section that shows that the Intervention is evidence-based (Tier I | Tier II | Tier III | Tier IV). |
1100/414 ARP ESSR funds will be used to purchase renewal of software licenses from the following companies for Haleyville Elementary School: enVision SuccessMaker Intervention Program, ESGI Data Management for Kindergarten, iREady for Reading and Math, Flocabulary, Reading Horizons, and Accelerated Reading. $336,220.00
1100/414 ARP ESSR funds will be used to purchase renewal of software licenses from the following companies for Haleyville Middle School: enVision SuccessMaker Intervention Program, iReady, IXL, Flocabulary, and Reading Horizons Elevate. $166,626.50
1100/414 ARP ESSR funds will be used to purchase renewal of software licenses from the following companies for Haleyville High School: IXL, Newsela, APEX Learning Credit Recovery, and Reading Horizons Elevate. $80,200.00
We use the ARP ESSR funds to renew the above software licenses until September 2024.
We will use the above software programs to help address our learning loss experienced and the loss of instructional time from the pandemic. The software purchased will be another mode to deliver high quality instruction and comprehensive support to help students at all levels, from all backgrounds, achieve their greatest possible gains. We will also utilize the software platforms to monitor and analyze data in order to help teachers make more informed decisions about whole class, small group, and individual instruction.
4. Remaining ARP ESSER Fund Uses
The remaining LEA funds after the LEA Reservation to Address Loss of Instructional Time can be used for a wide range of activities to address needs arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. Please refer to the allowable uses document in the Document Library for more guidance.
Category 1 (Personnel) |
Provide the following information for Category 1 (Personnel): 1) Brief description and timeline for each service (service must end by 9/30/2024) 2) Number of employees and FTE(s) (if applicable) 3) Itemized Budget using Function & Object codes (must match Budget Grid) |
Example #1: ARP ESSER funds will be used to employ two system-wide EL teachers (2.0 FTE) for the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 school years to assist with the consistent increase of EL students within the district. In addition to working with students, the EL teachers will work with classroom teachers to ensure appropriate instructional strategies are implemented. (See job description in Related Documents section.) Total cost: $550,880.00 | 1100 - [010-199] (Salaries) $354,450.00 | 1100 - [200-299] (Benefits) $196,430.00 |
Example #2: ARP ESSER funds will be used to employ certified teachers and paraprofessionals for the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 school years to assist with closing the achievement gap of students within the district. The following list identifies the number of teachers and paraprofessionals at each school: School A - 2 Paraprofessionals (2.0 FTE); School B - 1 Teacher (1.0 FTE) & 1 Paraprofessional (1.0 FTE). (See job description in Related Documents section.) Total cost: $417,813.00 | 1100 - [010-199] (Salaries) $321,123.00 | 1100 - [200-299] (Benefits) $96,690.00 |
ARP ESSR funds will be used to employee certified teachers and paraprofessionals for two-three years to assist with closing the achievement gap of students within the district. All positions paid with ARP ESSER funds will end on or before September 30, 2024. The following list identifies the number of teachers and paraprofessionals at each school:
Haleyville Elementary School:
1100 1 FTE Math Coach 2 years: $116,824.00 (Salary) $ 42,740.04 (Benefits)
1100 1 FTE Reading Coach 2 years: $116,824.00 (Salary) $42,740.04 (Benefits)
1100 Transitions Classrooms for 1st and 2nd Grade 2 years: $100,000 (Salaries) $7,650.00 (Benefits) - CONTRACT for 2 teachers for two years
Students recommended for placement in T-1 and T-2 are students who despite academic capability are not ready for the rigors of a traditional first or second grade classroom. It provides students time to develop skills necessary to be successful in First Grade or Second Grade. It is an academically based program that provides students with the opportunity to develop the skills needed to achieve success in subsequent years. Students are afforded the opportunity for individualized attention and support.
1100 1 Instructional Subs 2 years: 35 Subs @$100/Day $7,000 (Salaries) $535.50 (Benefits)
1100 1 FTE Instructional Paraprofessional 2 years: $43,660.00 (Salary) $27,512.86
1100 3 FTE Instructional Paraprofessionals 3 years: $193,869.00 (Salary) $123,312.59 (Benefits)
1100 1 FTE Special Education Paraprofessional 2 years: $48,266.00 (Salary) $28,925.61 (Benefits)
1100 Special Education Substitutes 2 years: 20 Subs @100/Day $4,000.00 (Salary) $306.00 (Benefits
1100 1 FTE English Language Paraprofessional 3 years: $64,623.00 (Salary) $41,104.20 (Benefits)
1100 Paraprofessional Subs 3 years: $18,000.00 (Salaries) $1,377.00 (Benefits) 60 subs at $100 day
Haleyville Middle School
1100 High Needs Classroom 1 1/2 FTE Paraprofessionals for 2 years $64,912.00 (Salaries) $41,159.24 (Benefits)
1100 Instructional/Health Paraprofessional 1/2 FTE 2 years: $21,830.00 (Salary) $13,756.44 (Benefits)
1100 Instructional/Health Paraprofessional 1 FTE 3 years: $75,423.00 (Salary) $41,111.76 (Benefits)
1100 Instructional Substitutes 35 @$100/Day for 2 years: $7,000.00 (Salaries) $535.50 (Benefits)
Haleyville High School:
1100 1 FTE (1/2 and 1/2 units) Instructional/Health Paraprofessionals for 2 years: $43,371.00 (Salaries) $27,457.84 (Benefits)
1100 Instructional Substitutes 10 @ $100/Day for 2 years: $2000.00 (Salaries) $153.00 (Benefits)
Our district budgeted for 300 substitutes to allow teachers to quarantine/self-isolate if testing positive for Covid.
1100/180 $306,360.00 (Salaries)
1100/230/240 $52, 356.54(Benefits)
It is important to recognize that there will be long lasting impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on the social, economic, physical and emotional well-being for all students, their families and staff. There are key areas where school social workers are able to create a lasting impact, because of their specialized training and education in system navigation, mental health and advocacy. Unfortunately, some of our students are “missing in action” and are not accessing their online education or coming to school. Other students are showing up in their classes but are struggling with motivation to engage in assignments and learning. This creates short term and long-term impacts on their academic trajectories. Therefore, HCS will employ an additional social worker for three years with our ARP ESSER funds.
2150 1 FTE Social Services $135,102.00 (Salary) $54,523.42 (Benefits) 3 years
Due to teacher shortages in the area of special education, we are contracting with a retired teacher who holds a valid teaching certificate in the area of special education. We will contract for two years. The hiring of this special education teacher will help us provide high quality instruction to our special education students and help them achieve their learning potential. The special education teacher will work diligently to bridge the learning gap that students are experiencing from missing school due to the pandemic.
1100 1 FTE Instruction $100,00.00 (Salary) $7,650.00 (Benefits) 1 teacher for two years
Category 2 (Technology & Online Subscriptions) |
Provide the following information for Category 2 (Technology & Online Subscriptions): 1) Brief description and timeline for each service (service must end by 9/30/2024) 2) Number of employees and FTE(s) (if applicable) 3) Itemized Budget using Function & Object codes (must match Budget Grid) |
Example: ARP ESSER funds will be used to purchase Chromebooks, Chromebook carts, document cameras, and touch screen panels to increase academic technology usage and improve student achievement. ARP ESSER funds will also purchase a subscription to ABC (all subscriptions will expire prior to September 30, 2024). Total Cost: $432,158.00 | 1100 - [300-399] (Software License) $30,000.00 | 1100 - [400-499] (Technology) $402,158.00 |
2190/414 ARP ESSR funds will be used to purchase renewal of software licenses from the following company for Haleyville City Schools: Kami will provide our students with the essential tools to create an engaging and collaborative learning environment as they participate virtually for their learning. $25,000.00.
Category 3 (Facility Improvements) |
Provide the following information for Category 3 (Facility Improvements): 1) Brief description and timeline for each service (service must end by 9/30/2024) 2) Number of employees and FTE(s) (if applicable) 3) Itemized Budget using Function & Object codes (must match Budget Grid) |
Example: ARP ESSER funds will be used to replace 3 air conditioner units at ABC Elementary School, install 2 new air conditioner units at EFG Middle School, and repair 1 air conditioner unit at IJK High School. All services will be completed by June 2024. Total Cost: $55,500.00 7200 - [500-599] (Capitalized Units) $18,500.00 | 3200 - [400-499] (Non-Capitalized Units and Supplies for Repairs) $37,000.00 |
3200/343 Operations and Maintenance
Air Quality: 6 Vape Sensors @$1,100.00 which includes Software, Decoys, Guard, and Shipping = $7,391.94
Zeptive Vape Sensors: First step in teen vape prevention. This is a high-end wireless detection system that enables better prevention, early intervention, treatment & long-term recovery from nicotine & cannabis use in schools. This system makes vaping difficult in hard to monitor areas. It measures components of air quality, including chemical composition and sends alerts & notifications to phone and/or computer with time stamp of when the event occurred.
This vape sensor system impacts learning loss from COVID-19 by reducing the vaping epidemic, keeping students in the classroom instead of the bathrooms where most vaping occurs, and by creating a positive climate for health & prevention.
As a result of COVID, students have had a lot of spare time at home to hang out and get bored. As a result, many have picked up the habit of vaping. Vaping is a real problem within our district, primarily at the middle and high school, but also noticed in the upper grades of the elementary. Students who are addicted focus on when, where and how they can vape next, which causes a distraction in the learning process. Vape sensors will allow students to be caught and as such will deter the habit from occurring at school.
We will use the money budgeted in Operations and Maintenance on or before September 30, 2024.
Category 4 (Professional Development) |
Provide the following information for Category 4 (Professional Development): 1) Brief description and timeline for each service (service must end by 9/30/2024) 2) Number of employees and FTE(s) (if applicable) 3) Itemized Budget using Function & Object codes (must match Budget Grid) |
Example:ARP ESSER funds will be used to provide ongoing, high quality professional development for administrators, teachers, and other instructional staff that support increased student achievement in all core subject areas. - Consultants: Our mathematics adoption textbook company (ABC Company) will provide high quality professional development in October 2021 and December 2021 to all teachers within the LEA to prepare them for the COS adoption. Total Cost: $14,000.00 | 2215 - [300-399] (Consultants) $14,000 - Stipends: Teachers and other instructional support staff will be provided a stipend to participate in professional development that is outside of their contracted hours during the Spring of 2022. Total Cost: $19,230.00 | 2215 - [010-199] (Stipends) $11,456.00 | 2215 - [200-299] (Benefits) $7,774.00 |
[Cont.] - Substitutes: Teachers will work collaboratively during the school day to develop curriculum maps and common formative assessments once a quarter for the 2022-2023 school year for a total of 4 days. Our LEA uses ABC Company for subs, so all subs are contractual, and no benefits are provided. Total Cost: $18,000.00 | 2215 - [300-399] (Contract for Subs) $18,000 - Materials and Supplies: General supplies will be needed for all professional development sessions to include but not limited to chart paper, easels, paper, notebooks, pens, pencils, markers, colored pencils, etc. Total Cost: $3,400.00 | 2215 - [400-499] (Supplies & Materials) $3,400.00 |
[Cont.] - Conference Attendance: 6 Teachers & 2 Administrators will attend the MEGA Conference (Mobile, AL) in July 2022 to be provided professional development from the ALSDE to support student achievement. Travel costs will include hotel, per diem, and mileage. Total Cost: $22,000.00 | 2215 - [600-899] (Registration) $4,000.00 | 2215 - [300-399] (Travel) $18,000.00 |
ARP ESSER funds will be used to provide ongoing, high quality professional development for administrators, teachers, and other instructional staff that support increased student achievement in all core subject areas. All professional development will be completed on or before September 30, 2024. Total for Professional Development: $388,664.20
Haleyville Elementary School:
2215/382 AMSTI Travel for 20 Teachers $25/Day for Food $56/Day for Mileage for 3 days = $9,720.00 for 2 years
2215/192 AMSTI Stipends for 20 Teachers for 3 days at $100/Day for 2 years = $12,000 (Salaries) $2,409.60 (Benefits)
2215/382 LETRS Travel for 10 Teachers $25/Day for Food $56/Day for Mileage for 8 days = $12,960.00 for 2 years
2215/180 LETRS Substitutes for 10 Teachers for 8 days for 2 years - $16,000 (Salaries) $1,224.00 (Benefits)
2215/382 ARI Travel for 20 Teachers $25/Day for Food $56/Day for Mileage for 7 Days = $22,680.00 for 2 years
2215/180 ARI Substitues for 20 Teachers for 7 days for 2 years = $28,000 (Salaries) $2,161.60 (Benefits)
Haleyville Middle School:
2215/382 PD Travel for AMSTI, Writing/Math Conferences, and MEGA Conference for 10 Teachers $25/Day for Food $56/Day for Mileage for 7 Days = $11,340.00
2215/192 PD Stipends for 10 Teachers @$100/Day for 2 years - $2,000 (Salaries) $403.00 (Benefits)
All stipends paid will be for work above and beyond their contract hours.
Haleyville High School:
2215/192 PD Stipends for 20 Teachers @$100/Day for 2 years = $4,000.00 (Salaries) $806 (Benefits)
2215/382 PD Travel for AMSTI, Writing/Math Conferences, and MEGA Conference 10 Teachers $25/Day for Food $56/Day for Mileage for 8 days = $12,960 2 years
All stipends paid will be for work above and beyond their contract hours.
With the implementation of the new Math Course of Study and adoption of a new Math Series, we determined that it was a necessity to provide our teachers with support for the new curriculum. We have budgeted for a Math Consultant through Savvas Learning that will provide our teachers K-12 with the knowledge and tools to successfully implement the program to fidelity. The Savvas Math Consultant will be an asset to our teachers from program launch through deepening expertise with effective pedagogy. we have budgeted for the Savvas Math Consultant for 2 years. According to our ACAP Summative data, our students are performing below grade level. In grades 2-8, we have 591 students scoring at Level 1 or Level 2 in Math. Our 11th grade ACT data indicates that only 13% are meeting the required Benchmark score of 22. For these reason, we will it is necessary to hire a math consultant to help our teachers with providing solid math instruction to our students as we implement our new math curriculum and math course of study.
1100 Instruction $250,000 Purchased Services for two years
Category 5 (Curriculum Materials & Assessments) |
Provide the following information for Category 5 (Curriculum Materials & Assessments): 1) Brief description and timeline for each service (service must end by 9/30/2024) 2) Number of employees and FTE(s) (if applicable) 3) Itemized Budget using Function & Object codes (must match Budget Grid) |
Example: ARP ESSER funds will be used to purchase assessment supplies and materials to help provide real time data to increase student achievement. These will include actual assessments and general supplies. All services will be purchased by the end of the 2021-2022 school year. Total Cost: $8,791.00 | 2130 - [400-499] (Assessment Supplies & Materials) $8,791.00 |
ARP ESSER funds will be used to purchase instructional supplies and materials to help increase student achievement. These will include general instructional supplies. All services will be purchased by the end of the 2023-2024 school year.
Haleyville Elementary School:
1100/411 Scholastic News for 1 year $20,000
1100/411 enVision Math Manipulatives for 2 years $19,086.10
Haleyville Middle School:
1100/411 Purchase additional Non-Fiction Text $3,000.00
Haleyville High School:
1100/399 Henson ACT Test Prep and TRUScore for 2 Years $55,280.00
After students take their ACT practice tests, detailed reports (TRUScore) are provided that give teachers clear test-taking skill metrics, powerful insights into student performance, and data-driven recommendations as to what actions to take to boost outcomes. This tool saves teachers time, saves schools money, and makes test result data much more manageable.
Category 6 (Parent & Family Engagement Activities) |
Provide the following information for Category 6 (Parent & Family Engagement Activities): 1) Brief description and timeline for each service (service must end by 9/30/2024) 2) Number of employees and FTE(s) (if applicable) 3) Itemized Budget using Function & Object codes (must match Budget Grid) |
Example: ARP ESSER funds will be used to purchase family handouts and resources for our Family Literacy Night in 2021 and 2022. The resources will include ELA and Math manipulatives and supplies needed to create family activities. Total Cost: $4,500.00 | 2190 - [400-499] (Supplies and Materials) $4,500.00 |
Category 7 (Other) |
Provide the following information for Category 7 (Other): 1) Brief description and timeline for each service (service must end by 9/30/2024) 2) Number of employees and FTE(s) (if applicable) 3) Itemized Budget using Function & Object codes (must match Budget Grid) |
2120/044 Guidance and Counseling Services 1 FTE for 3 years: $196,944.00 (Salary) $68,484.25 (Benefits) - 1 Counselor
Money budgeted for Guidance and Counseling Services will end on or before September 30, 2024.
Below is a list of services, but not limited to, that our school counselor will provide to our students.
* individual student academic planning and goal setting
* school counseling classroom lessons based on student success standards
* short-term counseling to students
* referrals for long-term support
* collaboration with families/teachers/ administrators/community for student success
* advocacy for students at individual education plan meetings and other student-focused meetings
* data analysis to identify student issues, needs and challenges
* acting as a systems change agent to improve equity and access, achievement and opportunities for all students
Category 8 (Other) |
Provide the following information for Category 8 (Other): 1) Brief description and timeline for each service (service must end by 9/30/2024) 2) Number of employees and FTE(s) (if applicable) 3) Itemized Budget using Function & Object codes (must match Budget Grid) |
HCS will employ an extra custodian to help maintain sanitation and cleanliness.
Money budgeted in Operations and Maintenance will end on or before September 30, 2024.
3200/171 Operations and Maintenance 1 FTE for 1 Custodian for 3 years: $73,995.00 (Salary) $42,888.65 (Benefits)
Category 9 (Other) |
Provide the following information for Category 9 (Other): 1) Brief description and timeline for each service (service must end by 9/30/2024) 2) Number of employees and FTE(s) (if applicable) 3) Itemized Budget using Function & Object codes (must match Budget Grid) |
Category 10 (Other) |
Provide the following information for Category 10 (Other): 1) Brief description and timeline for each service (service must end by 9/30/2024) 2) Number of employees and FTE(s) (if applicable) 3) Itemized Budget using Function & Object codes (must match Budget Grid) |
Category 11 (Other) |
Provide the following information for Category 11 (Other): 1) Brief description and timeline for each service (service must end by 9/30/2024) 2) Number of employees and FTE(s) (if applicable) 3) Itemized Budget using Function & Object codes (must match Budget Grid) |
Category 12 (Other) |
Provide the following information for Category 12 (Other): 1) Brief description and timeline for each service (service must end by 9/30/2024) 2) Number of employees and FTE(s) (if applicable) 3) Itemized Budget using Function & Object codes (must match Budget Grid) |
Administrative Costs |
Program Administration must be reasonable and necessary in order to manage the federal grant in a compliant and effective manner. | *
Provide a summary of how the grant program will be administered, including the title of the staff responsible for the grant administration, the FTE(s), and other funding sources (if applicable) that will contribute to administrative staff salaries/benefits. Additionally, the description must include all estimated costs, match the administrative costs dollar amount listed above, and include the Function and Object codes associated with the charge. |
Indirect Costs |
Indirect Costs represent the expenses of doing business that are not readily identified with the ARP ESSER but are necessary for the general operation of the organization and the conduct of activities it performs. These costs must be reasonable and necessary, and LEAs can use the unrestricted indirect cost rate for calculation. | *
| % - Unrestricted Indirect Cost Rate for LEA | | Maximum Indirect Cost amount for the ARP ESSER Fund |
Function/Object Code used on the Budget Grid | |
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There are currently no Goal or Action Step items associated with this Grant.