ARP ESSER State Reserve - Application Details
Trussville City, American Rescue Plan (ARP) ESSER - Fiscal Year 2021 (Rev 0)
ARP ESSER State Reserve Allocation to Address Loss of Instructional Time
The ALSDE is providing a State Reserve allocation to LEAs to address the loss of instructional time through the implementation of evidence-based interventions and ensure that those interventions respond to students’ social, emotional, and academic needs and address the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on underrepresented student subgroups.
For the ARP ESSER State Reserve Allocation, the following interventions are allowable: 1. Summer Learning & Summer Enrichment Programs 2. Comprehensive After-School Programs 3. Other – See Intervention box C for more details.
Required Narratives |
Provide a description of the evidence-based program(s) (including partnerships with community-based organizations) the LEA has selected to use with the ARP ESSER State Reserve, and how the LEA will address the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on certain groups of students, including each major racial and ethnic group, children from low-income families, children with disabilities, English Learners, gender, migrant students, students experiencing homelessness, and children and youth in foster care. |
Trussville City Schools understands the statute encompasses the barriers listed above. Our districts current policies and practices have been established to eliminate such barriers. In Trussville City Schools none of the following characteristics impeded equitable access or participation in opportunities: gender, race, national origin, color, disability or age. The Assistant Superintendent of Finance, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum, and District Literacy specialist participated in a committee to establish priorities. Students with disabilities or special needs are offered all services in the fund projects.
Our district will use funds to employ interventionists and teachers to support all of our students academically including our most vulnerable populations ( low-income families/special needs/ESL population). For example, data will be reviewed for all student populations through mandatory screeners such as AIMSweb as well as participation in school based problem solving teams to ensure that any student needing further academic assistance from an interventionist will receive it. We will ensure that no student or teacher will be denied participation based on gender, race, national origin, disability or age by utilizing data to inform decisions as mentioned above. We will use multiple data sources to provide targeted, and specific interventions to help mitigate continued learning loss of these students. For example, we will use data gained from state assessments, local assessments We will employ quarantine facilitators to assist the classroom teacher in helping all students who must be isolated/quarantined from school as a result of being positive for Covid or away due to exposure or possible exposure.
Indicate the data sources the LEA used to identify the students most in need of the program(s) and the extent to which the LEA will evaluate the impact of the program(s). |
All data collected as a result of summer literacy participation must be reported to the Alabama State Department of Education which then in turn will be reported to the community at large by the ALSDE. Trussville City Schools utilizes and assessment screener (AIMSWEB) 3x a year to identify any student who needs additional support in math and/or reading. Trussville City Schools had 90% of their student body attending Face to Face instruction during the 2020-2021 school year and the frequent data screening and analysis will allow us to progress monitor all students which includes the few that participated in virtual instruction in 2020-2021.
Using the allocation from the ARP ESSER State Reserve, explain how the LEA will identify and engage 1) students who have missed the most in-person instruction during the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 school years; and 2) students who did not consistently participate in remote instruction when offered during school building closures. |
We are requiring that our part time interventionists collect data based on their work with individual students. We will consistently monitor this data in conjunction with literacy assessment data, PST data, etc. on a monthly basis in order to monitor and make adjustments in our instructional delivery for students. Administrators at the schools (and our literacy and math coach) will meet bi weekly with interventionists. We monitor on a monthly basis as we pull reports from our data base to have data meetings. These reports will serve as audits of services. TCS will also utilize data gleaned from ALSDE state assessments.
Intervention A (Summer Learning & Summer Enrichment Programs) |
Provide the following information for Intervention A (Summer Learning & Summer Enrichment Programs): 1) Brief description and timeline for each service (service must end by 9/30/2024) 2) Number of employees and FTE(s) (if applicable) 3) Itemized Budget using Function & Object codes (must match Budget Grid) |
Example: ARP ESSER funds will be used to host a Summer Enrichment Camp during the Summer of 2023. The camp will run for two weeks for four days a week. Subjects to be covered are science, technology, engineering, mathematics and reading. We will purchase general supplies such as pencils, notebooks, glue, color pencils, copy paper, etc. to effectively run the program. We will also purchase ELA & Math manipulatives to help improve student achievement. Additionally, we will purchase an online subscription to XYZ Company for the duration of the summer program to assist our participating EL students with the curriculum (See attached job description). Total cost: $109,030.00 |
[Cont.] 9130 - [010-199] (Salaries) $54,450.00 | 9130 - [200-299] (Benefits) $11,430.00 9130 - [400-499] (Materials and Supplies) $2,800.00 | 9130 - [400-499] (Software) $20,000.00 4120 - [010-199] (Bus Driver Salaries) $12,500.00 | 4120 - [200-299] (Bus Driver Benefits) $3,200.00 4120 - [300-399] (Mileage for Buses) $4,650.00 |
ARP ESSER funds will be used to host a summer literacy and math enrichment camp during the summer of 2022 and 2023. Summer literacy camp will run at least 4 weeks with instruction totaling 70 hours and math camp will run approximately 2 weeks. This could be increased based on math data from comprehensive screening 3x a year. Camps will run the month of July. Teachers will utilize a screener to assess students as well as various curricular material s i.e. Sonday system, Voyager, etc. The number of teachers will be approximately 16-20. TOTAL COSTS: $112,102.00
9130 -[010-199](SALARIES) $93,300.93 | 9130 - [200-299](BENEFITS) $18,801.07
Intervention B (Comprehensive After-School Programs) |
Provide the following information for Intervention B (Comprehensive After-School Programs): 1) Brief description and timeline for each service (service must end by 9/30/2024) 2) Number of employees and FTE(s) (if applicable) 3) Itemized Budget using Function & Object codes (must match Budget Grid) |
ARP ESSER funds will be used to employ certified teachers (K-12) for the 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 school years to provide intervention and/or grade recovery to assist with closing the achievement gap of students within the district. Approximately 5-10 teachers will be participating at each of our 5 schools. After school school opportunities will range from 3-4 times a week for 1-3 hours each time. Interventionists for reading utilize research based Sonday System programming and for math will utilize research based “Do The Math” created by Marilyn Burns in addition to providing remediation and reteaching of grade level Alabama Course of Study standards. TOTAL COSTS: $112,102.00
9130 -[010-199](SALARIES) $93,300.94 | 9130 - [200-299](BENEFITS) $18,801.06
Intervention C (Other) |
Provide the following information for Intervention C (Other): 1) Brief description and timeline for each service (service must end by 9/30/2024) 2) Number of employees and FTE(s) (if applicable) 3) Itemized Budget using Function & Object codes (must match Budget Grid) |
NOTE: If an LEA chooses to use the "Other" intervention option, the LEA must attach documentation in the Related Documents section that shows that the Intervention is evidence-based (Tier I | Tier II | Tier III | Tier IV). |
ARP ESSER funds will be used for the 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 school years to assist with closing the achievement gap of students within the district. We will hire, part time math and reading interventionists for each of our elementary schools and middle school. We will have 3 part time interventionists at Paine Elementary School, 2 at Hewitt Trussville Middle School, and 2 each at Magnolia and Cahaba Elementary Schools. Our interventionist will provide valuable data to our teachers and administrators as part of our Response to Intervention and Problem-Solving teams at our local schools.
Students receive services via small group and one on one instruction in literacy concepts. Our interventionists utilize various Orton Gillingahm approved programs. Interventionists also utilize AIMSweb testing to test their students and utilize data to chart growth/ accommodations. Students will not be pulled during regular class time and participate in direct instruction and intervention within their classroom. Students receive services during their morning intervention block. Some students receive services during afternoon enrichment time.
TOTAL COSTS: $499,116
1100 -[010-199](SALARIES) $415,356.59 | 1100 - [200-299](BENEFITS) $83,759.41
ARP ESSER funds will be used to host a K-3 Literacy Camp in ordered to provide support for the Alabama Literacy Act during the Summer of 2024. The camp will run for two weeks for four days a week. We will purchase general supplies such as pencils, notebooks, glue, color pencils, copy paper, etc. to effectively run the program. We will also purchase ELA to help improve student achievement. (See attached job description). Total cost: $56,058
9130 -[010-199](SALARIES) $46,707 | 9130 - [200-299](BENEFITS) $9,351.00
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