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ARP ESSER - Application Details
Macon County, American Rescue Plan (ARP) ESSER - Fiscal Year 2021 (Rev 0)
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Cover Page & Required Narratives

Superintendent of Schools 
ARP ESSER Point of Contact 
Required Narratives 
How does the LEA plan to use funds to implement prevention and mitigation strategies in order to continuously and safely operate schools for in-person learning?

Macon County Schools plan to implement several prevention and mitigation strategies in order to continuously and safely operate schools for in-person learning as follows:

-Utilize EPA recommendation PPE, sanitation, hygiene and nursing supplies in classrooms, clinics, cafeterias, athletic areas, and on school buses for the following protocols:

1. frequent hand-washing by all students, staff, and visitors (hand soap, paper-towels, portable sinks)

2. frequent hand sanitizing (hand sanitizing stations in all buildings and on buses)

3. frequent cleaning, sanitizer spraying, floor mopping/buffing, and dusting (cleaning products, cleaning companies, hourly janitorial workers, floor cleaning equipment)

4. social distancing by acquiring ergonomically designed furniture for all buildings/classrooms where at least 3ft (preferably 6ft) of social distancing can be established.

5.  hallway and classroom sanitizing sprays (spray packs for janitors and sanitizing solutions as recommended by EPA)

6. additional staffing for academic learning, technology, safety training, distancing, response to COVID-19 matters, and implementation of protocols (teachers, counselors, aides, lab facilitators, academic administrators, technology staff, additional nurses; additional janitor): 

7. learning loss efforts (extended learning programs and hire additional teachers and staff to combat learning loss)

8. acquire additional technology staff to enhance learning, support remote learning as necessary, and to combat learning loss. 



How will the LEA ensure that the evidence-based interventions will address the academic impact of lost instructional time and ensure that those interventions respond to the academic, social, emotional, and mental health needs of all students including underrepresented student subgroups (each major racial and ethnic group, children from low-income families, children with disabilities, English Learners, gender, migrant students, students experiencing homelessness, and children and youth in foster care) and those who are particularly impacted disproportionately by the COVID-19 pandemic?

Macon County Schools will ensure that evidence-based intervention will address the academic impact of lost instructional time and ensure that those interventions respond to the academic, social, emotional, and mental health needs of all students including underrepresented student subgroups (each major racial and ethnic group, children from low-income families, children with disabilities, English Learners, gender, migrant students, students experiencing homelessness, and children and youth in foster care) and those who are particularly impacted disproportionately by the COVID-19 pandemic by providing supports that are as follows for all students all subgroups:

1. Academic Support (Learning Loss)

   a. High Quality Teaching Materials for Reading, Math, and Science: From Curriculum and Associates, Macon County Schools will purchase Ready Math, iReady, and assessments. From McGraw Hill, Macon County Schools will purchase ConnectED reading and math anthologies. For English language arts, Macon County Schools will purchase Reading Street teacher kits and student materials. From Foss, Macon County Schools will purchased hands-on, inquiry based science materials to support AMSTI and Science in Motion. 

   b. High Quality Professional Learning: Macon County Schools Teachers will participate in and sometimes lead Ready Math and I-Ready Reading and Math Training, Marzano High Yield Strategies Training and Materials AMSTI Training, Sonday Systems Training, DOK/Rigor Training, Dyslexia Training, etc.

c. Classroom and Teacher Materials and Supplies: Classroom and student supplies to include copy paper, pens, pencils, markers, tape, globes, maps, base 10 blocks, beakers, physical education jump ropes, balls, science lab specimens, CTE laboratory supplies such as metal sheets, fabric, mannequins, storage trays; classroom and student staplers, scissors, student book bags, index cards, rulers, protractors, compasses, graphing calculators, folders will be purchased.

  d. Instructional and Instructional Support Staff for Macon County Schools as follows: -Additional subject area and elective classroom teachers, Teachers/Coaches, -Academic Support Administrators:-Classroom/In-School Aides: -Lab Facilitators: -Technology Staff:2. Academic, Social and Emotional Programs and Recovery mechanisms will be acquired and implemented in Macon County Schools

a. Program Supports: Acellus Credit Recovery Curriculum-This curriculum/software is necessary to ensure all students including underrepresented student subgroups (each major racial and ethnic group, children from low-income families, children with disabilities, English Learners, gender, migrant students, students experiencing homelessness, and children and youth in foster care) and those who are particularly impacted disproportionately by the COVID-19 pandemic have access to credit recovery and course software that will allow them to master critical objectives that have been missed due to COVID-19; ST Math Enrichment Program-This program is necessary to enrich the evidence-based math experiences of students from their core programs.  This is gaming math which is highly motivational and supported with SEL constructs; 7 Mindsets SEL Program-This is an SEL support that is used by counselors and teachers to  to promote self-awareness, self management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision making; Accelerated Reader Library Program-This program is necessary to reacclimatize students to the academic setting and serves as both a cognitive and affective program for library and classroom use regarding reading engagement; and Atrium Media Center Circulation Program-This program is necessary to monitor students reading engagement through book circulation and distribution. 

  b. Macon County Schools is hiring additional counselors to support students with their academic, social, and emotional recovery. 4 Counselors = 3 FTEs



How will the LEA comply with the requirements of section 427 of GEPA (20 U.S.C. 1228a)?
The description must include information on the steps the LEA proposes to take to permit students, teachers, and other program beneficiaries to overcome barriers (including barriers based on gender, race, color, national origin, disability, and age) that impede equal access to, or participation in, the ESSER III program.

Macon County Schools will comply with all applicable requirements of GEPA Section 427, as identified in the assurances found in this document. In order to permit students, teachers, and other program beneficiaries to overcome barriers (including barriers based on gender, race, color, national origin, disability, and age) that impede access to, or participation in, the program the district will 

1. When purchasing classroom or student materials or devices (i.e. laptops, tablet computers, etc) the number of devices will be purchased based on predetermined student:device ratios in order to ensure schools with fewer community resources do not have fewer devices for students and staff

2.  Extended learning opportunities will include nutrition and transportation services in order to ensure that all students are allowed to access these learning opportunities, regardless of their economic status

3. Identified supplemental materials will be purchased for all schools (as applicable) to ensure no schools are excluded due to the socioeconomic status of the school's community

4. Additional staff will be allocated to each school for learning loss support, thereby increasing the number of students who can have access to these learning opportunities 

5. When implementing mitigation protocols, a formula for equity of distribution will be applied so that all barriers are overcome and all schools, staff, students, and subgroups have equal access. 

How will the LEA actively monitor their allocations, conduct interim audits to ensure an appropriate application of funds, collect and manage data elements required to be reported, and report this information to the community?

Macon County Schools has set up an internal monitoring process for ESSER Funds as outlined below:

1. Allocations and allowances will be aligned to the COVID-19/ESSER needs assessment conducted with Macon County Schools stakeholders in Spring 2021.

2. The Superintendent has created as ESSER Advisory Team that consists of the Superintendent, CSFO, Inventory Clerk. Federal Programs Director, Operations Director, Lead Nurse, CNP Director, Transportation Director, and an advisory doctor whose input will shape any revisions to and amendments of the ESSER III application and budget. 

3. The CSFO and finance department will monitor allocations and expenditures by producing, reviewing, and discussing monthly reports from NextGen.

4. A special use code will be assigned to ESSER III funds for monitoring, tracking, and auditing.

5. The inventory clerk will order and use a special tag/label for easy and quick identification of ESSER III tangible materials.

6.  ESSER III time sheets will be identified with appropriate titling and fund source numbers. 

7. Periodic internal equipment and expenditure audits will be conducted by the finance and/or federal programs department.

8. Information is reported to the community via the district' website and in monthly Wednesday Webinars that are held monthly. 

9. Macon County Schools  will review its Reopening and ESSER plans  periodically and at least every2 months months to ensure it remains relevant and meets-all statutory and regulatory requirements. 


How will the LEA meaningfully engage with families and communities throughout the life of the ARP ESSER and other relief funds?

Macon County Schools is meaningfully engaging families and communities throughout the life of ESSER and other relief funds by

1.  Establishing and continuing monthly Wednesday Webinars for Parents (This webinars have increased parental engagement exponentially and even after the pandemic has passed will continue to be a best practice)

2. Infomercials on tv media and social media (Important academic and support information is shared with parents and the community via WSFA and social media channels).

3. Broadcast messaging (Through the use of commercial products like SchoolCast, SchoolStatus, Dojo, and Remind, parents are frequently communicated with regarding all aspects of school operations).

4. Mi-Fis and Wi-Fis (By ensuring parents are connected with the use of connectivity devices for the home and/or school buses, parents can visit the websites, monitor assignments in the Google classroom, and attend school district webinars).

5. Drive-in/Drive By Activities (To promote CDC recommendations, many in-person activities will be done in new ways such as drive-by registration)

6. Wonderful Wednesdays Tech Support (On Wonderful Wednesdays (other than the Wednesday Webinar day), the tech team is available until 6:00 pm to troubleshoot any technological issues.

7. Homework Hotlines and Tutoring:  Teachers are using their G-Suites feature, Google Voice, to set up homework hotlines and phone tutoring sessions.

8. Phone Connectivity: Staff are using school phones and cell phones as instant communication tools with parents before, during, and after school. These connectivity points are used for tutoring, question and answer sessions, COVID-19 messaging, and more. 

Provide the URL for the LEA Return-to-Instruction Plan.

LEA Reservation to Address Loss of Instructional Time

LEAs must reserve at least 20 percent of funds to address loss of instructional time through the implementation of evidence-based interventions and ensure that those interventions respond to students' social, emotional, and academic needs and address the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on underrepresented student subgroups.

For this reservation of funds, the following interventions are allowable:
1. Summer Learning & Summer Enrichment Programs
2. Extended Day Programs
3. Comprehensive After-School Programs
4. Extended School Year Programs
5. Other – See Intervention box E for more details.

Budget Amount & Details for Interventions Amount 
Intervention A (Summer Learning & Summer Enrichment Programs)
Intervention B (Extended Day Programs)
Intervention C (Comprehensive After-School Programs)
Intervention D (Extended School Year Programs)
Intervention E (Other)
Total Cost:

Intervention A (Summer Learning & Summer Enrichment Programs) 
Provide the following information for Intervention A (Summer Learning & Summer Enrichment Programs):
1) Brief description and timeline for each service (service must end by 9/30/2024)
2) Number of employees and FTE(s) (if applicable)
3) Itemized Budget using Function & Object codes (must match Budget Grid)
ARP ESSER funds will be used to host a Summer Enrichment Camp during the Summer of 2023. The camp will run for two weeks for four days a week. Subjects to be covered are science, technology, engineering, mathematics and reading. We will purchase general supplies such as pencils, notebooks, glue, color pencils, copy paper, etc. to effectively run the program. We will also purchase ELA & Math manipulatives to help improve student achievement. Additionally, we will purchase an online subscription to XYZ Company for the duration of the summer program to assist our participating EL students with the curriculum (See attached job description). Total cost: $109,030.00
9130 - [010-199] (Salaries) $54,450.00 | 9130 - [200-299] (Benefits) $11,430.00
9130 - [400-499] (Materials and Supplies) $2,800.00 | 9130 - [400-499] (Software) $20,000.00
4120 - [010-199] (Bus Driver Salaries) $12,500.00 | 4120 - [200-299] (Bus Driver Benefits) $3,200.00
4120 - [300-399] (Mileage for Buses) $4,650.00
Intervention B (Extended Day Programs) 
Provide the following information for Intervention B (Extended Day Programs):
1) Brief description and timeline for each service (service must end by 9/30/2024)
2) Number of employees and FTE(s) (if applicable)
3) Itemized Budget using Function & Object codes (must match Budget Grid)

All Extended Learning Program funds will be obligated by September 30, 2024. (See Excel file.)


6 Teachers x 32.00 per hour x 180 days x 3 Hours: $86,235.00 (salaries); $17,445 (benefits)=103,680.00 x 2 fiscal years: $207,360.00 (9130/100-199; 200-299)

2 Administrators x 38.00 x 180 days x 3 Hours: $34,135.00 (salaries): $6,905.00 (benefits)=41,040.00 x 2 fiscal years: $82080.00 (9130/100-199; 200-299) 

1 Janitorial x 22.00 per hour x 180 days 3 Hours = $11,880 x 1: $9,881.00 (salaries); 1999.00 (benefits) x 2 fiscal years: $23,760.00 (9130/100-199; 200-299) 

Per Year: $178,480.00 x 2 Fiscal Years: $356,960.00


4 Teachers x 32.00 per hour x 180 days x 3 Hours: $57,490.00 (salaries); $11,630.00 (benefits) (9130/100-199; 200-299)

2 Administrators x 38.00 x 180 days x 3 Hours: $34,135 (salaries); $6905.00 (benefits) (9130/100-199; 200-299)

1 Clerical x 22.00 per hour x 180 days x 3 Hours: $9881.00 (salaries); $1999.00 (benefits) (9130/100-199; 200-299)

4 Contracted Staff $2500 each =10,000.00 (purchased services; 9130/300-399) 

Per Year: $132,040 x 2 Fiscal Year=$264,080.00


6 Teachers x 32.00 per hour x 180 days x 3 Hours: $86,235.00 (salaries); $17,445 (benefits)=103,680.00 x 2 fiscal years: $207,360.00 (9130/100-199; 200-299)

2 Administrators x 38.00 x 180 days x 3 Hours: $34,135.00 (salaries): $6,905.00 (benefits)=41,040.00 x 2 fiscal years: $82080.00 (9130/100-199; 200-299)

1 Clerical x 22.00 per hour x 180 days x 3 Hours = $11,880 x 1: $9,881.00 (salaries); 1999.00 (benefits) x 2 fiscal years: $23,760.00 (9130/100-199; 200-299)

1 Janitorial x 22.00 per hour x 180 days x 3 Hours = $11,880 x 1: $9,881.00 (salaries); 1999.00 (benefits) x 2 fiscal years: $23,760.00 (9130/100-199; 200-299)

4 Contracted Enrichment Staff at $2500 each = 10,000.00 (9130/300-399)

Per Year: $178,480.00 x 2 Fiscal Years: $356,960.00


2 Teachers x 32.00 per hour x 180 days x 3 Hours: 28,745.00 (salaries); 5,815.00 (benefits) = 69,120 x 2 fiscal years: $138,240.00 9130/100-199; 200-299)

2 Administrators x 38.00 x 180 days x 3 Hours: $34,135.00 (salaries): $6,905.00 (benefits)=41,040.00 x 2 fiscal years: $82080.00 (9130/100-199; 200-299)

 1 Clerical x 22.00 per hour x 180 days x 3 Hours = $11,880 x 1: $9,881.00 (salaries); 1999.00 (benefits) x 2 fiscal years: $23,760.00 (9130/100-199; 200-299)

Per Year: $87,480.00 x 2 Fiscal Years: $174,960.00


6 Teachers x 32.00 per hour x 180 days x 3 Hours: $86,235.00 (salaries); $17,445 (benefits)=103,680.00 x 2 fiscal years: $207,360.00 (9130/100-199; 200-299)

2 Administrators x 38.00 x 180 days x 3 Hours: $34,135.00 (salaries): $6,905.00 (benefits)=41,040.00 x 2 fiscal years: $82080.00 (9130/100-199; 200-299)

1 Clerical x 22.00 per hour x 180 days x 3 Hours = $11,880 x 1: $9,881.00 (salaries); 1999.00 (benefits) x 2 fiscal years: $23,760.00 (9130/100-199; 200-299)

1 Janitorial x 22.00 per hour x 180 days x 3 Hours = $11,880 x 1: $9,881.00 (salaries); 1999.00 (benefits) x 2 fiscal years: $23,760.00 (9130/100-199; 200-299)

4 Contracted Enrichment Staff at $2500 each = 10,000.00 (9130/300-399)

Per Year: $178,480.00 x 2 Fiscal Years: $356,960.00

Tuskegee Public

2 Teachers x 32.00 per hour x 180 days x 3 Hours: 28,745.00 (salaries); 5,815.00 (benefits) = 69,120 x 2 fiscal years: $138,240.00 9130/100-199; 200-299)

2 Administrators x 38.00 x 180 days x 3 Hours: $34,135.00 (salaries): $6,905.00 (benefits)=41,040.00 x 2 fiscal years: $82080.00 (9130/100-199; 200-299)

1 Clerical x 22.00 per hour x 180 days x 3 Hours = $11,880 x 1: $9,881.00 (salaries); 1999.00 (benefits) x 2 fiscal years: $23,760.00 (9130/100-199; 200-299)

Per Year: $87,480.00 x 2 Fiscal Years: $174,960.00


2 Teachers x 32.00 per hour x 90 days x 3 Hours: 14,373.00 (salaries); 2907.00 (benefits) = 17,280.00 x 2 fiscal years: 34,560.00 9130/100-199; 200-299)

2 Administrators x 38.00 x 90 days x 3 Hours: $34,135.00 (salaries): $6,905.00 (benefits)=41,040.00 x 2 fiscal years: $82080.00 (9130/100-199; 200-299)

 1 Clerical x 22.00 per hour x 90days x 3 Hours = $11,880 x 1: $9,881.00 (salaries); 1999.00 (benefits) x 2 fiscal years: $23,760.00 (9130/100-199; 200-299)

Per Year: $70,200 x 2 Fiscal Years: $140,400


4 Teachers x 32.00 per hour x 90 days x 3 Hours: 28,475.00 (salaries); 5,815.00 (benefits) = 34,560.00 x 2 fiscal years: $69,120.00 (9130/100-199; 200-299)

2 Administrators x 38.00 x 90 days x 3 Hours: $34,135.00 (salaries): $6,905.00 (benefits)=41,040.00 x 2 fiscal years: $82080.00 (9130/100-199; 200-299)

 1 Clerical x 22.00 per hour x 90 days x 3 Hours = $11,880 x 1: $9,881.00 (salaries); 1999.00 (benefits) x 2 fiscal years: $23,760.00 (9130/100-199; 200-299)

Per Year: $87,480.00 x 2 Fiscal Years: $174,960.00

Total Salaries: 798,574.00 (9130/100-199) x 2: $1,597,148.00

Total Benefits: 161,546.000 (9130/200-299) x 2: $323,092.00

Total Purchase Services (contracts): $40,0000 (9130/300-399) x 2: $80,000.00

Total Materials and Supplies: $76,792.40 (9130/400-499)

Grand Total: $2,077,032.40

Intervention C (Comprehensive After-School Programs) 
Provide the following information for Intervention C (Comprehensive After-School Programs):
1) Brief description and timeline for each service (service must end by 9/30/2024)
2) Number of employees and FTE(s) (if applicable)
3) Itemized Budget using Function & Object codes (must match Budget Grid)
Macon County Schools did not budget any summer learning or summer enrichment in ESSER III. It is budgeted in ESSER II, 21at Century, K-3 Literacy, School Improvement, and ESSER III Reserve. If additional funding is needed, ESSER III will be revised. 
Intervention D (Extended School Year Programs) 
Provide the following information for Intervention D (Extended School Year Programs):
1) Brief description and timeline for each service (service must end by 9/30/2024)
2) Number of employees and FTE(s) (if applicable)
3) Itemized Budget using Function & Object codes (must match Budget Grid)
Macon County Schools did not budget any summer learning or summer enrichment in ESSER III. It is budgeted in ESSER II, 21at Century, K-3 Literacy, School Improvement, and ESSER III Reserve. If additional funding is needed, ESSER III will be revised. 
Intervention E (Other) 
Provide the following information for Intervention E (Other):
1) Brief description and timeline for each service (service must end by 9/30/2024)
2) Number of employees and FTE(s) (if applicable)
3) Itemized Budget using Function & Object codes (must match Budget Grid)
NOTE: If an LEA chooses to use the "Other" intervention option, the LEA must attach documentation in the Related Documents section that shows that the Intervention is evidence-based (Tier I | Tier II | Tier III | Tier IV).
Macon County Schools did not budget any summer learning or summer enrichment in ESSER III. It is budgeted in ESSER II, 21at Century, K-3 Literacy, School Improvement, and ESSER III Reserve. If additional funding is needed, ESSER III will be revised. 

4. Remaining ARP ESSER Fund Uses

The remaining LEA funds after the LEA Reservation to Address Loss of Instructional Time can be used for a wide range of activities to address needs arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. Please refer to the allowable uses document in the Document Library for more guidance.

Budget Amount & Details for Additional Uses (Include Name for Other Categories) Amount 
Category 1 (Personnel)
Category 2 (Technology & Online Subscriptions)
Category 3 (Facility Improvements)
Category 4 (Professional Development)
Category 5 (Curriculum Materials & Assessments)
Category 6 (Parent & Family Engagement Activities)
Category 7 (Other)
Category 8 (Other)
Category 9 (Other)
Category 10 (Other)
Category 11 (Other)
Category 12 (Other)
Administrative Costs (must be reasonable and necessary)
Indirect Costs (maximum amount is the unrestricted rate)
Total Cost:

Category 1 (Personnel) 
Provide the following information for Category 1 (Personnel):
1) Brief description and timeline for each service (service must end by 9/30/2024)
2) Number of employees and FTE(s) (if applicable)
3) Itemized Budget using Function & Object codes (must match Budget Grid)
Example #1:
ARP ESSER funds will be used to employ two system-wide EL teachers (2.0 FTE) for the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 school years to assist with the consistent increase of EL students within the district. In addition to working with students, the EL teachers will work with classroom teachers to ensure appropriate instructional strategies are implemented. (See job description in Related Documents section.)
Total cost: $550,880.00 | 1100 - [010-199] (Salaries) $354,450.00 | 1100 - [200-299] (Benefits) $196,430.00
Example #2:
ARP ESSER funds will be used to employ certified teachers and paraprofessionals for the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 school years to assist with closing the achievement gap of students within the district. The following list identifies the number of teachers and paraprofessionals at each school: School A - 2 Paraprofessionals (2.0 FTE); School B - 1 Teacher (1.0 FTE) & 1 Paraprofessional (1.0 FTE). (See job description in Related Documents section.)
Total cost: $417,813.00 | 1100 - [010-199] (Salaries) $321,123.00 | 1100 - [200-299] (Benefits) $96,690.00

ARP ESSER fund will be used to employ certified teachers, instructional support staff, nurses, paraprofessionals, coaches, lab facilitators, and a janitor for FY 22 and FY 23 to assist with closing the achievement gap of students within the district.

All funds will be obligated by September 2024.

The following list identifies the number of personnel at each school:

Function Code: 1100:  Salaries [100-199]= 1,786,192.00; Benefits [200-299]= 811,920.00: Sub Total: 2,598,112.00 for 2 Years (FY 22 and FY 23)

24 at 21.76 FTEs

BTW: 9 Teachers (8.27 FTEs)

DCW: 3 Teachers (2. 47 FTEs)

NHS: 4 Teachers (3.62 FTEs) for Two Fi

TIMS: 1 Teacher (.4 FTEs)

TPS: 1 Teacher (1. FTE)

Dean of Students: 1 at 1 FTE

Instructional Aides: 5 Aides at 5 FTES (BTW: 2; DCW 1: NHS:1; TPS: 1)

Function Code: 2110: Salaries [100-199]= 155,820.00; Benefits [200-299]= 50,068.00: Sub Total: 205,888.00 for 2 Years (FY 22 and FY 23)

Enrollment Coordinator: 1 @ 1 FTE: Systemwide

Function Code: 2120: Salaries [100-199]= 341,916.00; Benefits [200-299]= 120,200.00: Sub Total: 462,116.00 for 2 Years (FY 22 and FY 23)

Counselors: Macon County Schools is hiring additional counselors to support students with their academic, social, and emotional recovery.4 Counselors: 4 @ 3 FTEs

BTW: 2 Counselors @ 1.5 FTEs

NHS: 1 Counselor @ 1 FTE

Systemwide: .5 Counselor @ .5 FTE

Function Code: 2140: Salaries [100-199]= $321,618.00; Benefits [200-299]= $160,134.00: Sub Total: 481,752.00 for 2 Years (FY 22 and FY 23)

Macon County Schools will employ five (5) LPNs at 5 FTEs to support COVID-19 prevention, preparation, protocols, and recovery for two years.

Function Code: 2190: Salaries [100-199]= $640134.00; Benefits [200-299]= $297,374.00: Sub Total: 937,508.00 for 2 Years (FY 22 and FY 23)

-Lab Facilitators: 4 at 4 FTEs i. e. 71,680 x 2 = 143360.00 (salaries) [2190; 109] + 83,584.00 x 2 (benefits) [2190; 200-299]; Total Cost=2 Fiscal Years (FY 22 and FY 23) = $230,016.00

BTW: 1 Facilitator

TIMS: 2 Facilitators

BTW: 1 Facilitator

Technology Staff: 4 at 4 FTEs for systemwide support and recovery using technological devices and processes

b) Extended Learning Director, 63,652 x 2 = 127,304.00 (salaries) [2190; 081-199], 20,085 x 2 = 40,170.00 (benefits) SYSTEMWIDE, = $167,474.00; .63 FTE

Function Code: 2210: Salaries [100-199]= $1,638,156.00 Benefits [200-299]= $556,050.00: Sub Total: 2,194,206.00 for 2 Years (FY 22 and FY 23)

Curriculum Specialist 4 at 4 FTEs

Chief Academic Officer, 1 at 1 FTE

Intervention Teachers/Coaches: 7 at 7 FTE

Function Code: 2215: Salaries [100-199]= $115,088.00 Benefits [200-299]= $35,306.00: Sub Total: 150394.00 for 2 Years (FY 22 and FY 23)

Professional Learning Director 1at .63 FTE

Function Code: 3200: Salaries [100-199]= $36,992.00; Benefits [200-299]= $26,684.00 Sub Total: 63,676.00 for 2 Years (FY 22 and FY 23)

Additional janitor at BTW, 1 @ 1 FTE

Grand Total: Salaries [100-199]=5,033,916.00; Benefits [200-299]=2,057,736.00: 7,093,652.00

Total Personnel Budgeted: 7,093,652.00

#See Personnel Excel File in Related Documents



Category 2 (Technology & Online Subscriptions) 
Provide the following information for Category 2 (Technology & Online Subscriptions):
1) Brief description and timeline for each service (service must end by 9/30/2024)
2) Number of employees and FTE(s) (if applicable)
3) Itemized Budget using Function & Object codes (must match Budget Grid)
ARP ESSER funds will be used to purchase Chromebooks, Chromebook carts, document cameras, and touch screen panels to increase academic technology usage and improve student achievement. ARP ESSER funds will also purchase a subscription to ABC (all subscriptions will expire prior to September 30, 2024).
Total Cost: $432,158.00 | 1100 - [300-399] (Software License) $30,000.00 | 1100 - [400-499] (Technology) $402,158.00


Category 3 (Facility Improvements) 
Provide the following information for Category 3 (Facility Improvements):
1) Brief description and timeline for each service (service must end by 9/30/2024)
2) Number of employees and FTE(s) (if applicable)
3) Itemized Budget using Function & Object codes (must match Budget Grid)
ARP ESSER funds will be used to replace 3 air conditioner units at ABC Elementary School, install 2 new air conditioner units at EFG Middle School, and repair 1 air conditioner unit at IJK High School. All services will be completed by June 2024. Total Cost: $55,500.00
7200 - [500-599] (Capitalized Units) $18,500.00 | 3200 - [400-499] (Non-Capitalized Units and Supplies for Repairs) $37,000.00


Category 4 (Professional Development) 
Provide the following information for Category 4 (Professional Development):
1) Brief description and timeline for each service (service must end by 9/30/2024)
2) Number of employees and FTE(s) (if applicable)
3) Itemized Budget using Function & Object codes (must match Budget Grid)
ARP ESSER funds will be used to provide ongoing, high quality professional development for administrators, teachers, and other instructional staff that support increased student achievement in all core subject areas.
- Consultants: Our mathematics adoption textbook company (ABC Company) will provide high quality professional development in October 2021 and December 2021 to all teachers within the LEA to prepare them for the COS adoption. Total Cost: $14,000.00 | 2215 - [300-399] (Consultants) $14,000
- Stipends: Teachers and other instructional support staff will be provided a stipend to participate in professional development that is outside of their contracted hours during the Spring of 2022. Total Cost: $19,230.00 | 2215 - [010-199] (Stipends) $11,456.00 | 2215 - [200-299] (Benefits) $7,774.00
- Substitutes: Teachers will work collaboratively during the school day to develop curriculum maps and common formative assessments once a quarter for the 2022-2023 school year for a total of 4 days. Our LEA uses ABC Company for subs, so all subs are contractual, and no benefits are provided. Total Cost: $18,000.00 | 2215 - [300-399] (Contract for Subs) $18,000
- Materials and Supplies: General supplies will be needed for all professional development sessions to include but not limited to chart paper, easels, paper, notebooks, pens, pencils, markers, colored pencils, etc. Total Cost: $3,400.00 | 2215 - [400-499] (Supplies & Materials) $3,400.00
- Conference Attendance: 6 Teachers & 2 Administrators will attend the MEGA Conference (Mobile, AL) in July 2022 to be provided professional development from the ALSDE to support student achievement. Travel costs will include hotel, per diem, and mileage. Total Cost: $22,000.00 | 2215 - [600-899] (Registration) $4,000.00 | 2215 - [300-399] (Travel) $18,000.00

ARP ESSER funds will be used to provide ongoing, high quality professional development for administrators, teachers, and other instructional staff that support increased student achievement in all core subject areas.

All funds will be obligated by September 30, 2024. 

Function/Object: 2215 [300-399]

$50,000.00-Conference Attendance (Registration and Travel_

$50,000-Teacher Stipends

$25,000-Side by Side Coaching Consultants/Specialists

Total: $125,000.00

Category 5 (Curriculum Materials & Assessments) 
Provide the following information for Category 5 (Curriculum Materials & Assessments):
1) Brief description and timeline for each service (service must end by 9/30/2024)
2) Number of employees and FTE(s) (if applicable)
3) Itemized Budget using Function & Object codes (must match Budget Grid)
ARP ESSER funds will be used to purchase assessment supplies and materials to help provide real time data to increase student achievement. These will include actual assessments and general supplies. All services will be purchased by the end of the 2021-2022 school year.
Total Cost: $8,791.00 | 2130 - [400-499] (Assessment Supplies & Materials) $8,791.00

ARP ESSER funds will be used to purchase assessment supplies and materials to help provide real time data to increase student achievement. These will include actual assessments and general supplies. All services will be purchased by the end of the 2021-2022 school year. From Curriculum and Associates, Macon County Schools will purchase Ready Math, iReady, and assessments. From McGraw Hill, Macon County Schools will purchase ConnectED reading and math anthologies. For English language arts, Macon County Schools will purchase Reading Street teacher kits and student materials. Academic, Social and Emotional Programs and Recovery mechanisms will be acquired and implemented in Macon County Schools e.g., 1. Acellus Credit Recovery Curriculum=$50,000.00 2. ST Math Enrichment Program=$30,000.00 3. 7 Mindsets SEL Program=$20,000.00 4. Accelerated Reader Library Program=$30,000.00 5. Atrium Media Center Circulation Program=$20,000.00.

All funds will be obligated by September 30, 2024.

Function/Object: 1100 [400-499]

Total Cost: $250,000.00

Category 6 (Parent & Family Engagement Activities) 
Provide the following information for Category 6 (Parent & Family Engagement Activities):
1) Brief description and timeline for each service (service must end by 9/30/2024)
2) Number of employees and FTE(s) (if applicable)
3) Itemized Budget using Function & Object codes (must match Budget Grid)
ARP ESSER funds will be used to purchase family handouts and resources for our Family Literacy Night in 2021 and 2022. The resources will include ELA and Math manipulatives and supplies needed to create family activities.
Total Cost: $4,500.00 | 2190 - [400-499] (Supplies and Materials) $4,500.00
Category 7 (Other) 
Provide the following information for Category 7 (Other):
1) Brief description and timeline for each service (service must end by 9/30/2024)
2) Number of employees and FTE(s) (if applicable)
3) Itemized Budget using Function & Object codes (must match Budget Grid)
Category 8 (Other) 
Provide the following information for Category 8 (Other):
1) Brief description and timeline for each service (service must end by 9/30/2024)
2) Number of employees and FTE(s) (if applicable)
3) Itemized Budget using Function & Object codes (must match Budget Grid)

Cleaning Services and Supplies: Cleaning companies (Cintas, RAM, Pearson, or other available company) will be used to provide supplies and services to pre-clean and post-clean for COVID-19 mitigation, prevention, and recovery. Various EPA recommended COVID-19 cleaning supplies, PPE supplies will be purchased for all schools and district locations; equipment for cleaning such as floor scrubbers, mops, brooms, dust towels, spray bottles will be purchased for all schools, buildings and vehicles. Hourly workers will be hired as necessary for response and recovery for positive COVID-19 cases.

All funds will be obligated by September 30, 2024.

Function/Object: 3200 [400-499]

Total Cost: $213,989.00

Category 9 (Other) 
Provide the following information for Category 9 (Other):
1) Brief description and timeline for each service (service must end by 9/30/2024)
2) Number of employees and FTE(s) (if applicable)
3) Itemized Budget using Function & Object codes (must match Budget Grid)
Classroom and student supplies: 

Classroom and student supplies to include copy paper, pens, pencils, markers, tape, globes, maps, base 10 blocks, beakers, physical education jump ropes, balls, science lab specimens, CTE laboratory supplies such as metal sheets, fabric, mannequins, storage trays, staplers, scissors, student bookbags, index cards, rulers, protractors, compasses, graphing calculators, folders will be purchased.

All funds will be obligated by September 30, 2024.

Function/Object Code: 1100 [400-499]

Total Cost: $100,000.00

Category 10 (Other) 
Provide the following information for Category 10 (Other):
1) Brief description and timeline for each service (service must end by 9/30/2024)
2) Number of employees and FTE(s) (if applicable)
3) Itemized Budget using Function & Object codes (must match Budget Grid)
Category 11 (Other) 
Provide the following information for Category 11 (Other):
1) Brief description and timeline for each service (service must end by 9/30/2024)
2) Number of employees and FTE(s) (if applicable)
3) Itemized Budget using Function & Object codes (must match Budget Grid)
Category 12 (Other) 
Provide the following information for Category 12 (Other):
1) Brief description and timeline for each service (service must end by 9/30/2024)
2) Number of employees and FTE(s) (if applicable)
3) Itemized Budget using Function & Object codes (must match Budget Grid)

Administrative Costs 
Program Administration must be reasonable and necessary in order to manage the federal grant in a compliant and effective manner.*
Provide a summary of how the grant program will be administered, including the title of the staff responsible for the grant administration, the FTE(s), and other funding sources (if applicable) that will contribute to administrative staff salaries/benefits. Additionally, the description must include all estimated costs, match the administrative costs dollar amount listed above, and include the Function and Object codes associated with the charge.

General office supplies necessary to manage documentation for ESSER funds will be purchased to include 2 and 3 inch binders; printer ink cartridges, copy paper, folders, staples hole punchers, a laminator, paper clips, scissors, labels, envelopes, etc. 

All funds will be obligated by September 30, 2024. 

Function/Object Codes:  6000 [400-499]


Amount: $5000.00

Indirect Costs 
Indirect Costs represent the expenses of doing business that are not readily identified with the ARP ESSER but are necessary for the general operation of the organization and the conduct of activities it performs. These costs must be reasonable and necessary, and LEAs can use the unrestricted indirect cost rate for calculation.*
% - Unrestricted Indirect Cost Rate for LEA
Maximum Indirect Cost amount for the ARP ESSER Fund
Function/Object Code used on the Budget Grid

Expand All Collapse All

Collapse2.) Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund for MCBOE for Learning Loss, Academic, Social, and Emotional Programs and Recovery; & COVID-19 Prevention, Preparation, Protocols, and Recovery
CollapseGoal Details
To use ESSER III funds Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund for MCBOE for Learning Loss, Academic, Social, and Emotional Programs and Recovery; & COVID-19 Prevention, Preparation, Protocols, and Recovery
Performance Measures
Learning Loss: Formative, summative, state, and other asessments measures between baseline and other administrations (DRC Beacon, IReady, ACAP, PreAct, ACT, Civics Exams, Workkeys, etc.); Academic Recovery and Programs: Progress report and report card trends and data; percentage of student mastery of objectives; percentage of students passing classes; percentage of students attending class. COVID-19 Prevention, Preparation, Protocols, and Recovery: Covid-19 Cases and Trends; Attendance Rates for Students and Staff; In-Person Learning Statistics Social/Emotional Recovery and Programs: Percentage of students and families accessing mental health programs and suppports; requests for school supplies, clothing closets statistics; referrals to the office; SIR report, MTSS reports, etc.
Estimated Costs
CollapseFiscal Resources
American Rescue Plan (ARP) ESSER
ARP ESSERCollapseNotes
Grand Total:$10,385,162.00
Collapse2.1.) LEA Reservation to Add Loss of instruction Time
CollapseStrategy Details
Macon County Schools will implemented extending learning programs in all schools to add loss of instructional time to recover and optimize academic, social, emotional, mental, and physical success. LEA Reserve: Sal: 798,574.00 (9130/100-199) x 2: $1,597,148.00 Ben: 161,546.000 (9130/200-299) x 2: $323,092.00 P/S (contracts): $40,0000 (9130/300-399) x 2: $80,000.00 M/S: $76,792.40 (9130/400-499) Total: $2,077,032.40 State Reserve: 9130 - [010-199] (Sal) $104,460.00 | 9130 - [200-299] (Ben) $21,147.50.00 9130 - [400-499] (Materials and Supplies) $7500 | 9130 - [400-499] (Software) $7500 4120 - [010-199] (Bus Driver Sal) $40,0000 | 4120 - [200-299] (Bus Driver Ben) $15045.00 4120 - [300-399] (Mileage for Buses) $30,000 Total: 225625.50 x 2 FY (FY 22 and FY 23)=451,305.00
Performance Measures
Learning Loss: Formative, summative, state, and other asessments measures between baseline and other administrations (DRC Beacon, IReady, ACAP, PreAct, ACT, Civics Exams, Workkeys, etc.); Academic Recovery and Programs: Progress report and report card trends and data; percentage of student mastery of objectives; percentage of students passing classes; percentage of students attending class. COVID-19 Prevention, Preparation, Protocols, and Recovery: Covid-19 Cases and Trends; Attendance Rates for Students and Staff; In-Person Learning Statistics Social/Emotional Recovery and Programs: Percentage of students and families accessing mental health programs and suppports; requests for school supplies, clothing closets statistics; referrals to the office; SIR report, MTSS reports, etc.
Estimated Costs
Collapse2.1.1.) Extended Learning Programs
CollapseAction Step Details
Macon County Schools will implemented extending learning programs in all schools to add loss of instructional time to recover and optimize academic, social, emotional, mental, and physical success. LEA Reserve: Sal: 798,574.00 (9130/100-199) x 2: $1,597,148.00 Ben: 161,546.000 (9130/200-299) x 2: $323,092.00 P/S (contracts): $40,0000 (9130/300-399) x 2: $80,000.00 M/S: $76,792.40 (9130/400-499) Total: $2,077,032.40 State Reserve: 9130 - [010-199] (Sal) $104,460.00 | 9130 - [200-299] (Ben) $21,147.50.00 9130 - [400-499] (Materials and Supplies) $7500 | 9130 - [400-499] (Software) $7500 4120 - [010-199] (Bus Driver Sal) $40,0000 | 4120 - [200-299] (Bus Driver Ben) $15045.00 4120 - [300-399] (Mileage for Buses) $30,000 Total: 225625.50 x 2 FY (FY 22 and FY 23)=451,305.00
Performance Measures
Learning Loss: Formative, summative, state, and other asessments measures between baseline and other administrations (DRC Beacon, IReady, ACAP, PreAct, ACT, Civics Exams, Workkeys, etc.); Academic Recovery and Programs: Progress report and report card trends and data; percentage of student mastery of objectives; percentage of students passing classes; percentage of students attending class. COVID-19 Prevention, Preparation, Protocols, and Recovery: Covid-19 Cases and Trends; Attendance Rates for Students and Staff; In-Person Learning Statistics Social/Emotional Recovery and Programs: Percentage of students and families accessing mental health programs and suppports; requests for school supplies, clothing closets statistics; referrals to the office; SIR report, MTSS reports, etc.
Estimated Costs
CollapseGrant Relationships
ARP ESSERCollapseNotes
Amount: $2,077,032.40
ARP ESSER State ReserveCollapseNotes
Extended Learning Program: $451,305.00
Collapse2.2.) Personnel
CollapseStrategy Details
Additional personnel will be acquired to recover from the impact of COVID-19: Function Code: 1100: Salaries [100-199]= 1,786,192.00; Benefits [200-299]= 811,920.00: Sub Total: 2,598,112.00 for 2 Years (FY 22 and FY 23) 24 at 21.76 FTEs BTW: 9 Teachers (8.27 FTEs) DCW: 3 Teachers (2. 47 FTEs) NHS: 4 Teachers (3.62 FTEs) for Two Fi TIMS: 1 Teacher (.4 FTEs) TPS: 1 Teacher (1. FTE) Dean of Students: 1 at 1 FTE Instructional Aides: 5 Aides at 5 FTES (BTW: 2; DCW 1: NHS:1; TPS: 1) Function Code: 2110: Salaries [100-199]= 155,820.00; Benefits [200-299]= 50,698.00: Sub Total: 205,888.00 for 2 Years (FY 22 and FY 23) Enrollment Coordinator: 1 @ 1 FTE: Systemwide Function Code: 2120: Salaries [100-199]= 341,916.00; Benefits [200-299]= 120,200.00: Sub Total: 462,116.00 for 2 Years (FY 22 and FY 23) Counselors: Macon County Schools is hiring additional counselors to support students with their academic, social, and emotional recovery.4 Counselors: 4 @ 3 FTEs BTW: 2 Counselors @ 1.5 FTEs NHS: 1 Counselor @ 1 FTE Systemwide: .5 Counselor @ .5 FTE Function Code: 2140: Salaries [100-199]= $321,618.00; Benefits [200-299]= $160,134.00: Sub Total: 481,752.00 for 2 Years (FY 22 and FY 23) Macon County Schools will employ five (5) LPNs at 5 FTEs to support COVID-19 prevention, preparation, protocols, and recovery for two years. Function Code: 2190: Salaries [100-199]= $640134.00; Benefits [200-299]= $297,374.00: Sub Total: 937,508.00 for 2 Years (FY 22 and FY 23) -Lab Facilitators: 4 at 4 FTEs i. e. 71,680 x 2 = 143360.00 (salaries) [2190; 109] + 83,584.00 x 2 (benefits) [2190; 200-299]; Total Cost=2 Fiscal Years (FY 22 and FY 23) = $230,016.00 BTW: 1 Facilitator TIMS: 2 Facilitators BTW: 1 Facilitator Technology Staff: 4 at 4 FTEs for systemwide support and recovery using technological devices and processes b) Extended Learning Director, 63,652 x 2 = 127,304.00 (salaries) [2190; 081-199], 20,085 x 2 = 40,170.00 (benefits) SYSTEMWIDE, = $167,474.00; .63 FTE Function Code: 2210: Salaries [100-199]= $1,638,156.00 Benefits [200-299]= $556,050.00: Sub Total: 2,194,206.00 for 2 Years (FY 22 and FY 23) Curriculum Specialist 4 at 4 FTEs Chief Academic Officer, 1 at 1 FTE Intervention Teachers/Coaches: 7 at 7 FTE Function Code: 2215: Salaries [100-199]= $115,088.00 Benefits [200-299]= $35,306.00: Sub Total: 150394.00 for 2 Years (FY 22 and FY 23) Professional Learning Director 1at .63 FTE Function Code: 3200: Salaries [100-199]= $36,992.00; Benefits [200-299]= $26,684.00 Sub Total: 63,676.00 for 2 Years (FY 22 and FY 23) Additional janitor at BTW, 1 @ 1 FTE Grand Total: Salaries [100-199]=5,033,916.00; Benefits [200-299]=2,057,736.00: 7,093,652.00 Total Personnel Budgeted: 7,093,652.00 #See Personnel Excel File in Related Documents
Performance Measures
Learning Loss: Formative, summative, state, and other asessments measures between baseline and other administrations (DRC Beacon, IReady, ACAP, PreAct, ACT, Civics Exams, Workkeys, etc.); Academic Recovery and Programs: Progress report and report card trends and data; percentage of student mastery of objectives; percentage of students passing classes; percentage of students attending class. COVID-19 Prevention, Preparation, Protocols, and Recovery: Covid-19 Cases and Trends; Attendance Rates for Students and Staff; In-Person Learning Statistics Social/Emotional Recovery and Programs: Percentage of students and families accessing mental health programs and suppports; requests for school supplies, clothing closets statistics; referrals to the office; SIR report, MTSS reports, etc.
Estimated Costs
Collapse2.2.1.) Personnel
CollapseAction Step Details
Additional personnel will be acquired to recover from the impact of COVID-19: Function Code: 1100: Salaries [100-199]= 1,786,192.00; Benefits [200-299]= 811,920.00: Sub Total: 2,598,112.00 for 2 Years (FY 22 and FY 23) 24 at 21.76 FTEs BTW: 9 Teachers (8.27 FTEs) DCW: 3 Teachers (2. 47 FTEs) NHS: 4 Teachers (3.62 FTEs) for Two Fi TIMS: 1 Teacher (.4 FTEs) TPS: 1 Teacher (1. FTE) Dean of Students: 1 at 1 FTE Instructional Aides: 5 Aides at 5 FTES (BTW: 2; DCW 1: NHS:1; TPS: 1) Function Code: 2110: Salaries [100-199]= 155,820.00; Benefits [200-299]= 50,698.00: Sub Total: 205,888.00 for 2 Years (FY 22 and FY 23) Enrollment Coordinator: 1 @ 1 FTE: Systemwide Function Code: 2120: Salaries [100-199]= 341,916.00; Benefits [200-299]= 120,200.00: Sub Total: 462,116.00 for 2 Years (FY 22 and FY 23) Counselors: Macon County Schools is hiring additional counselors to support students with their academic, social, and emotional recovery.4 Counselors: 4 @ 3 FTEs BTW: 2 Counselors @ 1.5 FTEs NHS: 1 Counselor @ 1 FTE Systemwide: .5 Counselor @ .5 FTE Function Code: 2140: Salaries [100-199]= $321,618.00; Benefits [200-299]= $160,134.00: Sub Total: 481,752.00 for 2 Years (FY 22 and FY 23) Macon County Schools will employ five (5) LPNs at 5 FTEs to support COVID-19 prevention, preparation, protocols, and recovery for two years. Function Code: 2190: Salaries [100-199]= $640134.00; Benefits [200-299]= $297,374.00: Sub Total: 937,508.00 for 2 Years (FY 22 and FY 23) -Lab Facilitators: 4 at 4 FTEs i. e. 71,680 x 2 = 143360.00 (salaries) [2190; 109] + 83,584.00 x 2 (benefits) [2190; 200-299]; Total Cost=2 Fiscal Years (FY 22 and FY 23) = $230,016.00 BTW: 1 Facilitator TIMS: 2 Facilitators BTW: 1 Facilitator Technology Staff: 4 at 4 FTEs for systemwide support and recovery using technological devices and processes b) Extended Learning Director, 63,652 x 2 = 127,304.00 (salaries) [2190; 081-199], 20,085 x 2 = 40,170.00 (benefits) SYSTEMWIDE, = $167,474.00; .63 FTE Function Code: 2210: Salaries [100-199]= $1,638,156.00 Benefits [200-299]= $556,050.00: Sub Total: 2,194,206.00 for 2 Years (FY 22 and FY 23) Curriculum Specialist 4 at 4 FTEs Chief Academic Officer, 1 at 1 FTE Intervention Teachers/Coaches: 7 at 7 FTE Function Code: 2215: Salaries [100-199]= $115,088.00 Benefits [200-299]= $35,306.00: Sub Total: 150394.00 for 2 Years (FY 22 and FY 23) Professional Learning Director 1at .63 FTE Function Code: 3200: Salaries [100-199]= $36,992.00; Benefits [200-299]= $26,684.00 Sub Total: 63,676.00 for 2 Years (FY 22 and FY 23) Additional janitor at BTW, 1 @ 1 FTE Grand Total: Salaries [100-199]=5,033,916.00; Benefits [200-299]=2,057,736.00: 7,093,652.00 Total Personnel Budgeted: 7,093,652.00 #See Personnel Excel File in Related Documents
Performance Measures
Learning Loss: Formative, summative, state, and other asessments measures between baseline and other administrations (DRC Beacon, IReady, ACAP, PreAct, ACT, Civics Exams, Workkeys, etc.); Academic Recovery and Programs: Progress report and report card trends and data; percentage of student mastery of objectives; percentage of students passing classes; percentage of students attending class. COVID-19 Prevention, Preparation, Protocols, and Recovery: Covid-19 Cases and Trends; Attendance Rates for Students and Staff; In-Person Learning Statistics Social/Emotional Recovery and Programs: Percentage of students and families accessing mental health programs and suppports; requests for school supplies, clothing closets statistics; referrals to the office; SIR report, MTSS reports, etc.
Estimated Costs
CollapseGrant Relationships
ARP ESSERCollapseNotes
Personnel: $7,093,652.00
Collapse2.3.) Professional Development
CollapseStrategy Details
High quality professional development will be provided for teachers and staff. Macon County Schools teachers will participate in and sometimes lead Ready Math and i-Ready Reading and Math Training,Marzano High Yield Strategies Training and Materials AMSTI Training, Sonday Systems Training, DOK/Rigor Training, Dyslexia Training, etc. Sessions include side-by-side coaching, after school sessions, Saturday sessions, and summer sessions for professional learning. Funds will be divided into stipends, registration, and travel.
Performance Measures
Learning Loss: Formative, summative, state, and other asessments measures between baseline and other administrations (DRC Beacon, IReady, ACAP, PreAct, ACT, Civics Exams, Workkeys, etc.); Academic Recovery and Programs: Progress report and report card trends and data; percentage of student mastery of objectives; percentage of students passing classes; percentage of students attending class. COVID-19 Prevention, Preparation, Protocols, and Recovery: Covid-19 Cases and Trends; Attendance Rates for Students and Staff; In-Person Learning Statistics Social/Emotional Recovery and Programs: Percentage of students and families accessing mental health programs and suppports; requests for school supplies, clothing closets statistics; referrals to the office; SIR report, MTSS reports, etc. teacher recruitment and retention
Estimated Costs
Collapse2.3.1.) Professional Development
CollapseAction Step Details
High quality professional development will be provided for teachers and staff. Macon County Schools teachers will participate in and sometimes lead Ready Math and i-Ready Reading and Math Training,Marzano High Yield Strategies Training and Materials AMSTI Training, Sonday Systems Training, DOK/Rigor Training, Dyslexia Training, etc. Sessions include side-by-side coaching, after school sessions, Saturday sessions, and summer sessions for professional learning. Funds will be divided into stipends, registration, and travel.
Performance Measures
Learning Loss: Formative, summative, state, and other asessments measures between baseline and other administrations (DRC Beacon, IReady, ACAP, PreAct, ACT, Civics Exams, Workkeys, etc.); Academic Recovery and Programs: Progress report and report card trends and data; percentage of student mastery of objectives; percentage of students passing classes; percentage of students attending class. COVID-19 Prevention, Preparation, Protocols, and Recovery: Covid-19 Cases and Trends; Attendance Rates for Students and Staff; In-Person Learning Statistics Social/Emotional Recovery and Programs: Percentage of students and families accessing mental health programs and suppports; requests for school supplies, clothing closets statistics; referrals to the office; SIR report, MTSS reports, etc. teacher recruitment and retention
Estimated Costs
CollapseGrant Relationships
ARP ESSERCollapseNotes
Professional Development: $125,000.00
Collapse2.4.) Curriculum Materials
CollapseStrategy Details
From Curriculum and Associates, Macon County Schools will purchase Ready Math, iReady, and assessments. From McGraw Hill, Macon County Schools will purchase ConnectED reading and math anthologies. For English language arts, Macon County Schools will purchase Reading Street teacher kits and student materials. Academic, Social and Emotional Programs and Recovery mechanisms will be acquired and implemented in Macon County Schools e.g. 1. Acellus Credit Recovery Curriculum=$50,000.00 2. ST Math Enrichment Program=$30,000.00 3. 7 Mindsets SEL Program=$20,000.00 4. Accelerated Reader Library Program=$30,000.00 5. Atrium Media Center Circulation Program=$20,000.00
Performance Measures
Academic Recovery and Programs: Progress report and report card trends and data; percentage of student mastery of objectives; percentage of students passing classes; percentage of students attending class.
Estimated Costs
Collapse2.4.1.) Curriculum Materials
CollapseAction Step Details
From Curriculum and Associates, Macon County Schools will purchase Ready Math, iReady, and assessments. From McGraw Hill, Macon County Schools will purchase ConnectED reading and math anthologies. For English language arts, Macon County Schools will purchase Reading Street teacher kits and student materials. Academic, Social and Emotional Programs and Recovery mechanisms will be acquired and implemented in Macon County Schools e.g. 1. Acellus Credit Recovery Curriculum=$50,000.00 2. ST Math Enrichment Program=$30,000.00 3. 7 Mindsets SEL Program=$20,000.00 4. Accelerated Reader Library Program=$30,000.00 5. Atrium Media Center Circulation Program=$20,000.00
Performance Measures
Academic Recovery and Programs: Progress report and report card trends and data; percentage of student mastery of objectives; percentage of students passing classes; percentage of students attending class.
Estimated Costs
CollapseGrant Relationships
ARP ESSERCollapseNotes
Curriculum Materials: $250,000.00
Collapse2.5.) PPE Supplies
CollapseStrategy Details
Cleaning companies (Cintas, RAM, Pearson, or other avaialble company) will be used to pre-clean and post-clean for COVID-19 mitigation, prevention, and recovery. Various EPA recommended COVID-19 cleaning supplies, PPE supplies will be purchased for all schools and district locations; equipment for cleaning such as floor scrubbers, mops, brooms, dust towels, spray bottles will be purchased for all schools, buildings and vehicles.
Performance Measures
COVID-19 Prevention, Preparation, Protocols, and Recovery: Covid-19 Cases and Trends; Attendance Rates for Students and Staff; In-Person Learning Statistics Social/Emotional Recovery and Programs: Percentage of students and families accessing mental health programs and suppports; requests for school supplies, clothing closets statistics; referrals to the office; SIR report, MTSS reports, etc.
Estimated Costs
Collapse2.5.1.) PPE Supplies
CollapseAction Step Details
Cleaning companies (Cintas, RAM, Pearson, or other avaialble company) will be used to pre-clean and post-clean for COVID-19 mitigation, prevention, and recovery. Various EPA recommended COVID-19 cleaning supplies, PPE supplies will be purchased for all schools and district locations; equipment for cleaning such as floor scrubbers, mops, brooms, personal air cleaners, dust towels, spray bottles will be purchased for all schools, buildings and vehicles.
Performance Measures
COVID-19 Prevention, Preparation, Protocols, and Recovery: Covid-19 Cases and Trends; Attendance Rates for Students and Staff; In-Person Learning Statistics Social/Emotional Recovery and Programs: Percentage of students and families accessing mental health programs and suppports; requests for school supplies, clothing closets statistics; referrals to the office; SIR report, MTSS reports, etc.
Estimated Costs
CollapseGrant Relationships
ARP ESSERCollapseNotes
PPE: $213,988.60
Collapse2.6.) Classroom and Student Supplies
CollapseStrategy Details
Classroom and student supplies to include copy paper, pens, pencils, markers, tape, globes, maps, base 10 blocks, beakers, physical education jump ropes, balls, science lab specimens, CTE laboratory supplies such as metal sheets, fabric, mannequins, storage trays, staplers, scissors, student bookbags, index cards, rulers, protractors, compasses, graphing calculators, folders will be purchased.
Performance Measures
Progress report and report card trends and data; percentage of student mastery of objectives; percentage of students passing classes; percentage of students attending class.
Estimated Costs
Collapse2.6.1.) Classroom and Student Supplies
CollapseAction Step Details
Classroom and student supplies to include copy paper, pens, pencils, markers, tape, globes, maps, base 10 blocks, beakers, physical education jump ropes, balls, science lab specimens, CTE laboratory supplies such as metal sheets, fabric, mannequins, storage trays, staplers, scissors, student bookbags, index cards, rulers, protractors, compasses, graphing calculators, folders will be purchased.
Performance Measures
Progress report and report card trends and data; percentage of student mastery of objectives; percentage of students passing classes; percentage of students attending class.
Estimated Costs
CollapseGrant Relationships
ARP ESSERCollapseNotes
Supplies: $100,000.00
Collapse2.7.) General Administration
CollapseStrategy Details
As allowed, indirect costs will be calculated from ESSER III Funds.
Performance Measures
As allowed, indirect costs will be calculated from ESSER III Funds.
Estimated Costs
Collapse2.7.1.) Administrative Costs
CollapseAction Step Details
General office supplies to support ESSER III implmentation will be purchased to inlcude copy paper, staplers, scissors, laminators, construction paper, folders, lables, paper clips. Three-hole punched paper Graph paper Tracing paper Carbon paper Color card stock Heavy-duty card stock Wrapping paper Greeting cards and envelopes Business cards Letterhead Envelopes and Boxes #10 regular envelopes (4 1/8 x 9 1/2 inches) Legal envelopes Padded legal envelope mailers Postage stamps Envelope sealer Packaging bubble Cardboard boxes (small, medium, large) Notebooks and Notepads Composition notebooks Spiral-bound notebooks Legal pads Steno pads Binder Items Binders Binder tabs Binder pockets Clear binder document holders Hole puncher Three-hole puncher Filing Cabinet Manila folders Hanging folders Folder tabs Small Office Supplies Stapler Staples Stapler remover Scissors Box cutter Paperclips (small, medium, large) Binder clips (small, medium, large) Clear cellophane tape dispenser Clear cellophane tape Masking tape Packing tape Duct tape Sticky notes (small, medium, large) Bookmark sticky flags (small, medium, large) Bookmarks White glue Rubber cement Tacky wall mount gum Hanging hooks Magnifying glass Writing Implements Pencils Pencil sharpener Mechanical pencils Mechanical pencil lead refills Erasers Pens Black all-purpose markers Highlighters Rubber stamps Ink pad Correction fluid Dry/Wet erase board Dry/Wet erase markers Dry/Wet erase spray Ruler Protractor Compass T-square Office Storage Bookends Paperweight Magazine holders Bulletin board Pushpins In/Out box Document sorter/holder Supply trays and containers
Performance Measures
Program Evaluation and Monitoring to inlcude to include state assessments results, attendance, learning loss information, etc.
Estimated Costs
CollapseGrant Relationships
ARP ESSERCollapseNotes
General Office Supplies: $5000.00
Collapse2.7.2.) Indirect Costs
CollapseAction Step Details
As allowed, indirect costs will be calculated from ESSER III Funds.
Performance Measures
As allowed, indirect costs will be calculated from ESSER III Funds.
Estimated Costs
CollapseGrant Relationships
ARP ESSERCollapseNotes
Indirect Costs: $525,000.00